Fatigue is a significant and often debilitating symptom experienced by many people living with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. While fatigue scales have been used in many other medical conditions to assess fatigue levels, there has not been a specific tool for people living with IBD in Ireland —until now.

Our Fatigue Rating Scale for IBD is designed to help people living with IBD:

We encourage people with IBD to bring a completed fatigue scale to their appointments with their healthcare team. This tool is intended to support better conversations and more effective management of fatigue.

If you would like any help in using the scale or would like to send your feedback please email wladzia.czuber-dochan@kcl.ac.uk  

You can access and score the Fatigue Rating Scale below.

Fatigue Assessment Scale
  1. What is your fatigue level right now?
  2. What was your highest fatigue level in the past two weeks?
  3. What was your lowest fatigue level in the past two weeks?
  4. What was your lowest fatigue level in the past two weeks?
  5. How much of your waking time have you felt fatigued in the past two weeks?

Your Score: 0/20

Please answer all questions above to calculate your score

Please continue to the next section

IBD-Fatigue impact on Daily Activities Scale
  1. I had to nap during the day because of fatigue
  2. Fatigue stopped me from going out to social events
  3. I was not able to go to work or college because of fatigue
  4. My performance at work or education was affected by fatigue
  5. I had problems concentrating because of fatigue
  6. I had difficulty motivating myself because of fatigue
  7. I could not wash and dress myself because of fatigue
  8. I had difficulty with walking because of fatigue
  9. I was unable to drive as much as I need to because of fatigue
  10. I was not able to do as much physical exercise as I wanted to because of fatigue
  11. I had difficulty continuing with my hobbies/interests because of fatigue
  12. My emotional relationship with my partner was affected by fatigue
  13. My sexual relationship with my partner was affected by fatigue
  14. My relationship with my children was affected by fatigue
  15. I was low in mood because of fatigue
  16. I felt isolated because of fatigue
  17. My memory was affected because of fatigue
  18. I made mistakes because of fatigue
  19. Fatigue made me irritable
  20. Fatigue made me frustrated
  21. I got words mixed up because of fatigue
  22. Fatigue stopped me from enjoying life
  23. Fatigue stopped me from having a fulfilling life
  24. My self-esteem was affected by fatigue
  25. Fatigue affected my confidence
  26. Fatigue made me feel unhappy
  27. I had difficulties sleeping at night because of fatigue
  28. Fatigue affected my ability to do all my normal household activities
  29. I had to ask others for help because of fatigue
  30. The quality of my life was affected by fatigue

Your Score: 0/120

Please answer all questions above to calculate your score