Supporting people living with, or impacted by, Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis (IBD) in Ireland

  1. Become a member

    Become a member of CCI for support, information, and community.

  2. Support

    Crohn's & Colitis Ireland are here to support or advice people living with IBD

  3. Living with C&C

    Living with Crohn's or colitis doesn’t mean you have to stop getting the most out of life

  4. How to Help

    Would you like to fundraise for CCI or simply make a donation?

Our CCI Community

James Greene

In the years before my diagnosis, I attended the local A&E multiple times for severe stomach pains and gut related symptoms, each time being given a temporary fix with minimal answers.

It wasn’t until my final years of secondary school that I realised something was very wrong - I began to pass significant amounts of blood each time I went to the bathroom.

Victoria Spillane

My parents always said I would need to fight harder than others to try and live a “normal” life, and that’s exactly what I did.

My stubborn determination wouldn’t allow me to give up and leave Crohn's Disease take over, even on days when all I would want to do was stay in bed and wake up as someone who wasn’t ill.